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How to Make Money on eBay 2021 | Make Money Dropshipping on eBay | Sell Products on eBay Without Investing Money |


How to Make Money on eBay 2021

eBay is one of the top online platform for buying and selling products. It currently occupies 3rd position in world's largest e-commerce websites with more than 180 million active users. It also provides great opportunities to make money with very little investment.

Different Ways to Make Money on eBay

  • Selling Products.
  • Dropping & Shipping.
  • eBay Partner Network (eBay affiliate program).

Selling Products on eBay: 

Selling on eBay is very easy. You can sell anything like old books, used spares, old stuff and pre-owned products. You can also sell local products which are available at your local stores on buying those on cheaper rates and resell on eBay at higher price.

How to Sell on eBay

  1. To become a seller in eBay. You need to create a eBay seller account.
  2. Initially you have to be buyer on eBay, buying items on eBay and maintain good profile.
  3. Now start selling few things on eBay.
  4. Before posting any item on eBay, you have to decide what you want to sell and check over all physical conditions of the product.
  5. If you are unable to what to sell, use Marketplace Research Toll on eBay or Google Trends to find most searching items. Then you will get an idea what to sell.
  6. You have to pay attention to add product listing, though listings with more elements like transparent and detailed description , High quality images and information about the physical details of the product with clear return policies.
  7. Also check out other listings of a similar products how the other sellers setup their listings.
  8. If you make any mistake of selling items that are not in good condition or missing some physical parts, you will get bad reviews which make it harder to sell other things on eBay.
  9. Clearly outline your shipping policy, how it will shipped, who pays and how much it will cost. eBay offers Shipping Calculator to help with shipping policies.
  10. Setup payment information with eBay in order to receive payments from buyers.
  11. Sending an detailed invoice to the buyers through eBay.
  12. Maintain good contact with your customers by asking feed back and confirmation.

Dropping & Shipping:

Dropshipping is a modern business idea that is completely taken over the internet. Drop shippers are the individuals that act on behalf of customers. Dropshipping completely free since you do not own any product. The seller is responsible for all the products. Your main role is to reach out the products to customers through marketing by placing customer's order to the seller and seller ships the requested product to the customers.


Suppose, I find a product that being sold by website X and later while searching same product on other website I found the website Y  is selling same book at a price higher than X’s selling price. Then I place an order at X, get the book, and sell it to Y. I get remaining difference amount as profit.

How to Dropship for Free on eBay

  1. eBay offers complete guide on how to start a Dropshipping Businness.
  2. eBay offers both small and large sellers with no restrictions to entry to entry that they can grow their business.
  3. To start Dropshipping business on eBay, you need to find quality and genuine right supplier.
  4. Maintain good contact with the supplier and ask will they ship worldwide or not only in specific countries and how long does an order takes to ship.
  5. Choose the products what you want to sell and check over all physical conditions of the product.
  6. Then You need to create a eBay seller account.
  7. You have to pay attention to add product listing, though listings with more elements like transparent and detailed description , High quality images and information about the physical details of the product with clear return policies.
  8. Now you have got your product listings and Start earning withbuilding a positive reputation by fulfilling your orders as quickly as possible, and check in with your supplier on daily basis to make sure that everything is running smoothly.
  9. Remove listings for discontinued or out-of-stock products and replace them with new products regularly.
  10. Respond to customer complaints and inquiries promptly and professionally, and do your best to create a positive experience that will build loyalty and encourage repeated customers.

eBay Partner Network:

eBay Partner Network is a eBay affiliate program where you can generate leads to eBay and earn money by commissions. You can earn commissions in two ways,

  • Payment For Sale: You can earn $.05 for each single click who wants to use your affiliate link to go to eBay.

  • Lead Generation: You will earn $5 for each single buyer who wants to buy product by using your affiliate link.

How to Make Money on eBay Partner Network

  1. eBay Partner Network is also known as eBay Affiliating Marketing that offers very easy way to earn money by promoting products.
  2. There are plenty of websites on internet that provide affiliate programming.
  3. You need register on eBay affiliate program and verify your account.
  4. Start generating affiliating links and share eBay affiliate links in your blog and different social media platforms.
  5. You can earn money up to 71% by selling the products of the advertisers.
  6. You can get paid by monthly basis.
